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  • Hans Schwarz :
    A munka értelmezése9-15 [155.91 kB - PDF]EPA-04173-00008-0020

    Abstract: In his lecture Hans Schwarz argues that human beings have always been considered a homo faber. Work was not the result of the Fall, but the will of God. He goes on by pointing out the fundamentally different approaches to work adopted by Hellenistic and Christian traditions. In contrast to Hellenistic ideas, work within the Christian tradition was considered the normal lot of every person not reserved for the slaves. In the next part of his lecture, he gives a brief account of Work and Vocation within the Christian tradition. As he points out, in the 13th century medieval Europe work with one’s hand was seen as penitence and based upon that view developed a stratification of work. The Reformation, however, brought about a more positive evaluation of work, specifically manual work. He addresses the question of vocational mobility and then closes his lecture by again referring to Luther and his warning to parents and educators, as such it is our duty to keep in mind the well-being of the whole community in influencing a child regarding vocation. We are to constantly remind them and ourselves that humans are called to serve one another just as Christ served us.

  • Eberhard Busch :
    Kálvin zeneszeretete17-24 [161.59 kB - PDF]EPA-04173-00008-0030

    Zusammenfassung: Es gibt ein verbreitetes Bild von Calvin, wonach er ein harter, schroffer Typ gewesen ist. Die vorliegende Arbeit versucht dieses Bild von Calvin in ein besseres Licht zu stellen, indem es - ohne Bedarf an Vollkommenheit - den Genfer Reformator von einer überraschend neuen Seite aus darstellt. Im ersten präsentiert es anhand ein dutzend auserlesener Texte Calvins die lebendige Beziehung des Reformators zur Musik, und zwar zur Musik der Renaissance und zum kirchlichen Gesang. Dabei ist es aufregend zu sehen, dass Calvin in seiner Freude an der Musik sich widersprüchlich äußert. Auf der einen Seite bricht seine Freude an dieser Gabe des Lebens ungehemmt durch, dermaßen, dass er in seinem Gottesdienst-Ordnung von 1542 für das Singen aller öffentlichen Gebete plädiert, ganz dem Modell der alttestamentlichen Psalmen folgend. Aber auf der anderen Seite mahnt Calvin davor den großen Unterschied zwischen der Musik, die man macht, um die Menschen bei Tisch und in ihren Häusern zu erfreuen, und den Psalmen, die man in der Kirche singt, im Angesicht Gottes und seiner Engel außer Acht zu lassen. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit stellt die Psalmen als das Gebet- und Gesangbuch auch der Christenheit dar und die Bemühungen Calvins diese als öffentliche Gebete in der Gemeinde zu singen. Bemerkenswert ist, dass bei der ersten Ausgabe eines Teils dieser Gesänge, 1539 in Straßburg Calvin noch selbst einige Texte und vielleicht auch einige Melodievorlagen beigesteuert hat. Aber dann zeigte er seine Größe darin, dass er auch seine Grenzen anerkannte. Er übertrug darum die Erstellung der Psalmreimung ausgezeichneten Dichtern und die Komposition der Melodien dazu hervorragenden Musikern seiner Zeit (wie z.B. Claude Goudimel). Der abschließender dritter Teil behandelt Calvins Auslegung der Psalmen und deren Lieder-Dichtung anhand des ersten Psalms.

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  • Kókai Nagy Viktor :
    Hogyan kommunikálnak az angyalok?25-42 [255.87 kB - PDF]EPA-04173-00008-0040

    Zusammenfassung: Mein Artikel hat das Ziel, die Engel als Kommunikatoren vorzustellen. Es ist mir völlig klar, dass Gott nicht nur via Engel kommunizieren kann und er auch die Propheten und Priester als Kommunikatoren gebrauchen kann. Er hat sogar seine vollkommene Kommunikation in Person Jesu Christi vollgebracht. Trotzdem fällt meine Wahl auf die Engel. Ihre Klarheit, wie ihre Persönlichkeit und ihre Aufgabe in der die Menschen anredenden Botschaft konzentriert; ihre Zuverlässigkeit, sie gehören zu der Wahrheit und reden die Wahrheit, und ihre persönliche Zuwendung zu den Menschen; ihre Kommunikation ist effektiv aber doch nicht spektakulär (abgesehen vom letzten Gericht). All diese Eigentümlichkeiten stellen die Engel in scharfen und provokativen Kontrast zu der heutigen Kommunikation. Meiner Meinung nach, die Kirche kann nur dann an diesem Wettkampf in der Kommunikation erfolgreich teilnehmen, wenn sie dieser Tendenz entgegengeht. Wir müssen ohne Lügen die Wahrheit sagen, die Menschen persönlich anreden, vertrauens- und glaubwürdig sein, nie Angst erregen und die Aufmerksamkeit auf Gott und nur allein auf Gott lenken - wie es wir von den Engeln gelernt haben.

  • Kovács Ábrahám :

    Abstract: The Reformed Church of Hungary was not exempt from the impact of various theological schools of Western Europe during the nineteenth century. The historical theological school of Tübingen, the Swiss liberal and moderate theology and the Dutch ‘moderne theologie’ held a great sway on Hungarian Protestantism in particularly Reformed Theology. Parallel to this development another and distinct trend appeared as a response to the challenges posed by liberal theology, which preferred traditional theological stances. In consequence not only liberal theology but also orthodox, evangelical, and pietist theologies were transferred from England, Scotland, Switzerland, Germany and France to Hungary. While Germany Lutheran and Reformed theology grappled with serious theological debates already in the 1840s and 1850, Hungarian Protestantism was late to encounter a similar discussion due to the political-historical situation. It is only after the Ausgleich (1867), the Agreement between Austrian and Hungarian aristocracy that in the era of political and national freedom theological debates surfaced and became really intense. The fiercest theological fight unfolded between the liberal theologians led by Mór Ballagi, a professor in Budapest and the neo-orthodoxy of Debrecen Reformed University where Imre Révész sen., a local minister and Ferenc Balogh, professor of Doctrinal and Church History became the leading voices. This pioneering study seeks to demonstrate how the response of Debrecen neo-orthodoxy came into being in response to extremely liberal form of theology, which was organised and promoted by Mór Ballagi (Moritz Bloch), a convert from Judaism to Christianity.

  • Sajtos Szilárd :
    Afganisztán homiletikuma51-78 [377.04 kB - PDF]EPA-04173-00008-0060

    Abstract: In 2013 the Hungarian Defence Forces finished the PRT mission in Afghanistan, which was the biggest Hungarian military task since World War II. The author had spent 199 days in the Afghan operational site, therefore he would like to review his pastoral experience from a scientific view. An asymmetrical warfare requires an asymmetrical pastoral care. Beside the classical pastoral care methods we search for other homiletics and liturgical ways for mourning process in case of a battlefield death. Trough the classic theological, social psychological and military leadership theories, the author submit to the readership, how a gathered audience becomes a military community, and a mourning congregation. The author also reveals the effects of the psychological symptoms (combat stress, combat trauma, military crisis, combat panic). The study shows, how the role and the liturgy of the military chaplain accommodate to the rite and symbolic system of a military community. This study salutes to the fallen soldiers of the war in Afghanistan and it is also a tribute to the military chaplains on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the reorganization of the Protestant Chaplain Service.

  • Némedi Gusztáv :
    Tisza István szellemiségének családi gyökerei79-89 [190.12 kB - PDF]EPA-04173-00008-0070

    Abstract: In his essay Gusztáv Némedi is discussing the personality of István Tisza. He argues that the upbringing and education of the young István Tisza had great impact on his later political career. His early education is characterized by two notions. On the one hand the reformed, puritan faith, and on the other hand the liberal political views of his father. The author highlights the fact that the young Tisza was born into a devoted reformed family. His father Kálmán Tisza held several important positions in the Reformed Church of Hungary. His mother was Degenfeld - Schomburg Ilona; whose parents were great supporters of the Reformed Church too. Therefore religious education played key role in his early years. Gusztáv Némedi unfolds the religious background of István Tisza’ education. Until the age of 12 István Tisza received home education. The family consciously tried to choose private educators from the Reformed College of Debrecen. The most notable ones were the talented young teachers Kálmán Géresi and Nagy Ferenc. After his private education he went to study to the Reformed College of Debrecen and also spent years in Germany.

  • Pálfi József :
    Keresztesi József Numo-Thékája91-103 [753.93 kB - PDF]EPA-04173-00008-0080

    Abstract: Reading the title and the subtitle of this essay, one might rightfully ask: how come, that a paper on numismatics is included in a theological periodical? The answer is simple though: One of the two genuine manuscripts is guarded in the Library of Debrecen, and the writer of this first, Hungarian language monography on numismatics was a student of the Reformed College of Debrecen. József Keresztesi was a skilled theologian who was open to science; he was also devoted to Hungarian culture and education. The intent hereby is to introduce Keresztesi’s epoch-making manuscript to the readers.


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