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Multidiszciplináris kihívások, sokszínű válaszok2021/2.



  • Gáspár Sándor ,
    Gábor Vajda ,
    Ede Martos :

    Summary: The application of lean management has become a fundamental competitive criterion in the operation of industrial enterprises in the 21st century. The use of tools and methods related to different lean management appears in a significant part of corporate functions. However, it is also important to mention that these lean tools and methods are used in addition to the mixed use of many other tools and methods that support non-lean goals. This problem is also a challenge for controlling. Because lean accounting methods do not necessarily measure the extent of lean effectively in such an environment, a number of other methods are used to monitor lean in both academic and business practice. Of these, lean evaluation models based on fuzzy logic should be highlighted. With the help of these models, it is possible to determine the lean performance of a company primarily along financial data. The disadvantage of the model, however, is that lean management also appears in a number of functional areas that cannot be assessed along financial ratios, but they clearly influence the operation of lean management. In our research, we illustrated a complex set of lean controlling methods through an instrumental case study, which allows companies to evaluate the performance of lean management and to explore different points of intervention. Our research results make it possible to calculate the lean fuzzy index not only along financial data, and thus clarify the information content of the index. Along the methods and indicators formulated in our research, the effectiveness of lean methods and tools, as well as the processes and methods supporting lean goals, can be separated and measured. Our research goal is to create a generally applicable lean controlling conceptual model.

    Kulcsszavak: controlling, lean controlling, lean menedzsment, lean index, fuzzy logika

    Keywords: controlling, lean controlling, lean managemenet, leanness index, fuzzy logic

    JEL kód: G10, M40, M42

  • Ekaterina Popova :

    Summary: The issue of migration is not new, but clearly requires renewed attention, especially when it comes to the national interest and the identification and integration of future migrants. This paper describes some of the problems of modern Russian emigration and offers an analysis, in the context of modern realities, as to why Russians choose to emigrate to Hungary. This essay explores the real causes of “push” and “pull” factors and the ability or readiness of Russians who live in Hungary to be a part of the society. Additionally, considering the globalisation process, it examines circular and return migration as a new ‘hybrid’ form of migration in which the final destination cannot be assured. The study uses the systematic methodology of grounded theory and interview and is a part of the dissertation. This research can be useful for either migration researchers or policymakers.

    Kulcsszavak: Orosz migráció, globalizáció, nemzeti identitás, körkörös és visszatérő migráció, menekült munkavállalók

    Keywords: Russian migration, globalisation, national identity, circular and return migration, migrant worker

    JEL kód: F22, F52, F66

  • Stipkovits Tamás István :

    Summary: The emergence of sharing economy systems has also brought changes in our social habits, so the question is how the legal regulation should react to the new conditions. In searching for an answer, we must first clarify where we can classify the current types of contracts, or which types they are similar to. It should also be borne in mind that, in the case of certain ancillary services provided by the platform provider, it is questionable whether we can distinguish the platform provider from the provider of the basic service. In other words, the question is when a person who facilitates the matching of passengers and drivers with an application has such an influence over the drivers that he himself is a "driver" for the purposes of the law.

    Kulcsszavak: közösségi gazdaság, kötelmi jog, felhasználási szerződés, közvetítői szerződés, Über-ügy

    Keywords: sharing economy, gig economy, Contract Law, Licence Agreement, Uber case

    JEL kód: K12

  • Stomp Ágnes ,
    Móré Marianna :

    Summary: After the change of regime, the educational institutions providing vocational training in the public school system operated in the maintenance of local and county governments, then of the Regional Integrated Vocational Training Centre, then of the County Institution Maintenance Centre and finally of the Klebelsberg Institution Maintenance Centre, until the enactment of the 2015 LXVI. Vocational Training Act. The new Vocational Education and Training Act has completely reformed the institutional system of vocational education and training (VET) and introduced a new institutional governance practice of VET institutions in a completely new structure. The aim of our study is to examine the institutional governance of the current vocational education and training system, which focuses solely on the presentation of the structural transformation of institutional governance. Our aim is to explore the recent changes of the educational governance in the vocational education and training system, focusing in particular on the transformations associated with the emergence of the Centers of Vocational Training. We examine the transformation of the institutional governance system in the case of Centres of Vocational Training established by the Minister responsible for vocational education and training and maintained by the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, and in the case of related institutions and governing bodies. By interpreting the legal provisions of the institutional governance and analysing these documents, we create the institutional governance structure of the vocational education and training system, which reflects the position of the Centres of Vocational Training and the Vocational Training Institutions in the institutional governance system of vocational education and training. We compare the organisational structure with the sector-level organisational models of public service organisations in order to make a model-level comparison. As the organisational structure is not suitable to symbolise the number of organisational units operating in practice, management data corresponding to the organisational structure are presented using the descriptive statistical method for Centres of Vocational Training and Vocational Training Institutions.

    Kulcsszavak: intézményirányítási rendszer strukturális felépítése, közszolgálati szervezeti modellek, szakképzési rendszer

    Keywords: the structure of the institutional governance system, public service organizational models, system of vocational education and training

    JEL kód: I28, L31

  • Szabó Barna :

    Summary: Since the second half of the 20th century, the development of the world economy has entered a qualitatively new phase, based on integration processes - such as globalisation and regional integration - which can be interpreted in respect of both global and regional dimensions. However, the examination of these processes is not an easy task, mainly because they are a relatively new phenomenon, and their commonly accepted definition is not yet complete. It is not surprising, therefore, that the theories that give their interpretation are characterised by eclecticism, i.e. their conceptual system mixes elements of views and trends that are not always compatible. The aim of this dissertation is also to use statistical methods to support and refute the predictions (convergence/divergence) of two opposing views - the liberal and the regulatory school - on the equalizing effect of economic development differences in the course of the regional integration development of the European Union and other free trade agreements. If we accept the data and the methodology used in my paper - as we will see - the two trends chosen in this respect are not nearly as contradictory as they seem, since in the short and medium term we can measure a divergence corresponding to the regulatory concepts, in respect of which the resulting divergences will, however, in the long term, be levelled out in line with liberal ideas, and will converge also in the case of the European Union and five other communities being studied, namely the North American Free Trade Agreement, the South American Common Market, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the Gulf Cooperation Council and the South African Customs Union.

    Kulcsszavak: regionális integráció, integrációelméletek, konvergencia

    Keywords: regional integration, integration theories, convergence

    JEL kód: F15


  • Kertész Gábor :

    Summary: There are many cases in the scientific literature and in various publications that declare a leader/CEO of a historical or a contemporary political or economic organization a “hero” or “cursed” in front of the “tribunal of history” based on his/her deed(s). This case study analyses the example of Miklós Horthy, not a well-known business leader, but a politician who is still a sharp divider in Hungarian public life, from the point of view of whether his activities were a success or a failure for the organisation he led, for the Hungarian state. I examine his decisions in a non-“business as usual” situation from the aspect if they have helped or jeopardized the chances of survival of the state he led in the short and in the long run In a special situation the decision must be made by the leader there and then, and is it unsure if this decision can be modified later.

    Kulcsszavak: Horthy Miklós, vezérigazgató, döntés hosszú távú hatása, döntés hatása a szervezetre

    Keywords: Miklós Horthy; CEO; long-term impact of the decision; impact of the decision on the organization

    JEL kód: D92

  • Pekk Letícia ,
    Háry András :

    Summary: A large amount and high quality of scientific resources are available for the conceptual definition and model-level examination of knowledge management. The present study attempts to link research and development, innovation, technology management and technological competence based on a theoretical summary of knowledge management. To this end, the theoretical findings of knowledge management will be further broken down into an approach on the part of research and development and innovation and technology management, followed by further interpretation through the known conceptual definitions of technological competence. The message of the definitions examined in the context of the industrial approach to technological competence is that technological competence is a common set of human and technical skills, which accordingly requires a comprehensive and complex management approach. The targeted areas and relationships articulated by the research questions will be explored along with the processing of literature sources and the drawing of conclusions. At the end of the study, conclusions are drawn that will prepare further research. It can be stated that there is no accepted methodology against the required technological competencies, and their measurement methods are only partially adequate. At the same time, it is an extremely important topic not only for companies but also for academies.

    Kulcsszavak: tudásmenedzsment, technológiai kompetencia, technológiai képességek, tudásbázis, technológiai tudás

    Keywords: knowledge management, technological competence, technological skills, knowledge base, technological knowledge

    JEL kód: O32