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Multidiszciplináris kihívások, sokszínű válaszok2021/1.



  • Endre Domonkos :

    Summary: The Great Depression of 1929-33 had serious consequences on Hungary’s economy. The Central and Eastern European countries, including Hungary were hit severely by the downturn of the wholesale prices as regards of agricultural products in international markets. Besides declining prices another major problem was that the industrialised countries introduced protectionist measures (customs duties and quotas). As a result of this process, market opportunities were constrained and later ceased to exist. The situation was further aggravated by the fact that the unfavourable gap between agrarian and industrial prices further widened in the 1920s. Although the crisis started to emerge in the agriculture, its effects were extended to the industry as well. Due to the lack of safe markets, heavy industrial branches declined sharply, whereas the volume of output fell modest in the light industry. The bankruptcy of the Austrian Credit Anstalt on 12th Mai 1931 adversely affected Hungary’s financial system. In order to overcome the difficulties, banking holiday was ordered by the government, which coupled with the suspension of all payments and the introduction of foreign exchange control. Foreign trade has changed significantly. In 1937, the share of Hungary’s export in Germany’s trade was 42 percent, which increased to more than 50 percent after the Anschluss. Thus, at the end of the 1930s, the Third Reich became the most important trade partner of Hungary. Thanks to favourable external conditions accompanied by the rearmament programme of Nazi Germany and state intervention, the performance of the Hungarian economy improved, and by 1937 it surpassed the pre-depression level. The Győr Programme, announced on 12th March 1938 with its military and infrastructural development contributed to the economic boom, which had positive impacts both in the heavy and light industrial branches.

    Kulcsszavak: gazdaságtörténet, világgazdasági válság, Magyarország, ipar, mezőgazdaság, pénzügyek

    Keywords: economic history, Great Depression, Hungary, industry, agriculture, finance

    JEL kód: N14

  • Éva Fenyvesi ,
    Réka Polák-Weldon :

    Summary: As reported by the World Health Statistics 2016 smoking causes every second death in the world. The prediction of the World Health Organisation is that between 2025 and 2050 the number of cumulative deaths from smoking will be around ten million a year. Smoking is frequently analysed in scientific literature from a health, moral or criminological perspectives, because addictive disorders precipitate and perpetuate far-reaching social problems. Individuals and their families suffer from relationship imbalances or in the worst case, from loss of relatives. Companies experience additional costs resulting from increasing absenteeism and in the long run their financial performance is declining. At the macro-environmental level, it leads to economic and social problems such as the need of expensive health treatments. This paper intends to examine the economic aspects of the impacts of smoking. Our goal is to reveal the economic and social harm and possible benefits related to the production and trade as well as consumption of tobacco products. The possible benefits linked with tobacco products are rarely analysed even though some individuals, businesses and society at large can, in some ways, benefit from them. In the first part of the article the economic theories and related questions are introduced which provide the theoretical framework for the empirical research. Following the theoretical review, the economic and social benefits, harms, and costs caused by the use of tobacco products are presented based on available statistical data and secondary research.

    Kulcsszavak: szenvedélybetegségek, dohányzás, gazdasági hatékonyság, adózás, dohányzás elleni küzdelem

    Keywords: addictive disorders, tobacco smoking, economic productivity, taxation, fight against smoking

    JEL kód: E20, I15

  • Viktória Vásáry ,
    Szabolcs Biró ,
    Máté Kis ,
    Eszter Varga :

    Summary: The European Commission initiated the preparation of a new long-term vision for rural areas. First step of this process was the launch of a public consultation to which also the Horizon 2020 SHERPA (Sustainable Hub to Engage into Rural Policies with Actors) project is making a contribution on behalf of 20 different Multi-Actor Platforms (MAPs). The Hungarian MAP - a group of science-society-policy actors - focuses on the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System (AKIS), more precisely digitalization. The topic of Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System - is a horizontal issue and it is embedded even into the Common Agricultural Policy’s (CAP) strategic planning process. Being part of it, the development of AKIS requires close and intensive cooperation of policy makers, researchers and farmers or in broader context the society with various stakeholders. The aim of the Hungarian research was to identify the current and likely trends for the Hungarian rural areas and to point out key challenges, opportunities, enablers and hinderers in rural development in terms of the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System (AKIS) up until 2040. The methodology used was the Delphi technique. In the first phase, a review of key trends, main challenges and opportunities and a summary of existing foresight regarding digital agriculture was written. Then AKIS experts were asked to talk about their experiences and opinions in the framework of interviews, a focus group meeting and a survey. In the end, results of the survey were discussed in a consensus meeting. Among the results, it is worth mentioning that digitization and digitalization will fundamentally change the way rural areas operate including economic, environmental and social dimensions. The main enablers of a promising future vision are capacity building for knowledge transfer, adaptation for job creation and offering better quality of life, stronger community building for collaborations, deeper government involvement, and last but not least, strengthening the local identity in rural areas.

    Kulcsszavak: Vidéki területek, Agrár Tudásmegosztási és Innovációs Rendszer (ATIR), Digitalizáció

    Keywords: Rural areas, Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System (AKIS), Digitalization

    JEL kód: Q10; Q16; Q18

  • Bálint Csaba :

    Summary: The healthcare system is the main intervention site for influencing health-related quality of life through the curative-preventive activities. Its entry level, and at the same time its foundation, is primary care, where the patient comes into contact with the healthcare system. Numerous sources testify to the role of primary healthcare in prevention, treatment, screening, care, and health promotion. The structural, functional, and competency-driven renewal of the segment, in line with the increased expectations of our time, cannot be ignored. A wide range of literature sources report on health inequalities and disparities in the availability, accessibility and quality of health care, and, in particular primary care, between and within regions. When these inequalities are combined with other socio-economic territorial disadvantages, these deficiency symptoms reinforce each other and worsen health-related quality of life, which is accompanied by an increased risk of disease, a reduction in life expectancy and earlier deaths.

    Kulcsszavak: egészségügy, alapellátás, háziorvos, házi gyermekorvos, járás

    Keywords: health, primary healthcare, general practitioner, general pediatrician, micro-region

    JEL kód: H75, I14, I15

  • Vágány Judit Bernadett :

    Summary: Since students spend nearly half of their waking hours at university or college, enormous emphasis should be placed on maintaining and improving their mental health. They attend lectures, participate in seminars, and engage in team work on a daily basis, just to mention the most typical tasks. However, students being at university not only deepens their knowledge, but it also has a significant impact on both their self-esteem and self-image. This, in turn, affects their feeling of satisfaction and happiness from a different perspective. Outstanding student performance plays a significant role in the ranking of higher education institutions. It is proven that outstanding performance (both in elite sports and in education) is achieved by strong mental and physical endurance. (Fodor  Korényi, 2019; Reinhardt et al., 2019) The issue of mental health in economic higher education is particularly exciting as here students are highly competitive. In my study, I present the partial results of a comprehensive research regarding the mental health and psychological well-being of students studying in economic higher education. The research is based on the questions of a special, validated questionnaire (EPOCH questionnaire), that is named after Engagement, Perseverance, Optimism, Connectedness, and Happiness. Students participating in the research were examined along these aspects. The questionnaire was completed at seven universities / faculties by 690 full-time and correspondence course students in the first year of undergraduate economics. My research questions are: − What kind of results are achieved by first-year students in terms of the EPOCH questionnaire and in terms of gender? − Can a significant correlation be established… o between the gender of the respondents and the statements examined? o between the place of residence of the respondents and the statements examined? o between the age of the respondents and the statements examined?

    Kulcsszavak: pszichológiai jóllét, hallgató, Z generáció, EPOCH kérdőív, kiégés

    Keywords: Psychological well-being, Student, Generation Z, EPOCH Survay, Burnout

    JEL kód: I2, A2

Műhely/jó gyakorlat

  • Kertész Gábor :

    Summary: A recent EU report on the protection of intellectual property estimates in the damage caused by "pirated products" to € 121 billion. I am looking for a brief answer how to find a more effective legal protection system for rightholders against the negative effects of the “pirated” products. To find an answer, I analyze historical, economic, and legal examples that ultimately give the impression of an international organization with a new or changing system of responsibilities and operations, the operation of which would make all known intellectual property right infringement practices commercially redundant or unprofitable. By the end of the analysis, the question arises as to whether, with the help of an international organization, the community buys intellectual property from public funds and allows it to be produced for a special tax, whether it makes commercial sense to spend on “piracy” and defense against it.

    Kulcsszavak: WIPO, szellemi tulajdon, szellemi tulajdon megsértése

    Keywords: WIPO, Intellectual property, Violate the intellectual property

    JEL kód: K22, O34