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Jates11. évf. 4. sz. (2021.)


Cikkek és tanulmányok

  • Lucie Depoo :

    Abstract: In the age of demonstrated outcomes assessment and changing technologies, it is necessary to incorporate quality assessment in higher education academic programs to ensure pedagogical outcomes. Innovative quality assessment is a tool, when utilized, that can provide data to inform educational approaches ensuring outcomes consistent with students’ perceived outcomes as the use of a digital platform become increasing common in the delivery of higher education. This paper focuses on the benefits of higher education quality assessment and the importance to students and other stakeholders, especially as the delivery is trending more digital. The approach to innovative quality evaluation and system of quality development is crucial to achieve competitiveness of every higher education institution. It allows for sustainable growth and development of skilled and motivated graduates to join current and future workforce to support development of society, nationally and internationally. The paper aims to identify factors that determine quality education as perceived by students and the importance of the pursuit of education impacting personal and professional development in light of the shifting digital modalities. Significant factors influencing quality perception by students are presented and included some of the following: practicing; open and discussing teachers; subject extent; and focus on newcomers. These factors are also linked to the impact on development of students’ independent skills and the ability to expand knowledge specific to the field of business, thus ensuring quality outcomes.

    Keywords: quality assessment; student perception; retention; academic performance; digital technologies; education;

  • Majlinda Hala ,
    Nazmi Xhomara ,
    Albina Shehu :

    Abstract: The study aimed to investigate the relationship between teaching management, lecturer-students relationship climate, lecturer-students interaction, and individual learning of art master students at the university. A quantitative approach was the method used in the research. The correlational research design was used. The first and second-year master's students of an art university were selected to be used in the study. An online questionnaire was used to gather the primary data. The study found that 56.2% of the variance of individual learning is explained by teaching management. It is found a high positive correlation between lecturer-students relationship climate and individual learning variables (r = .552). The study also found that 56.4% of the variance of individual learning is explained by lecturer-students interaction. The findings of the study enhanced theoretical and practical understanding as teaching management, lecturer-students relationship climate, and lecturer-students interaction are important variables that impact individual learning.

    Keywords: teaching management, lecturer-students relationship climate, lecturer-students interaction, individual learning

  • Zsuzsanna Timea Nagy ,
    Katalin Harangus :

    Abstract: Research shows that the level of mathematical knowledge of disadvantage students is significantly lower than their non-disadvantage peers. At the same time, experience shows that disadvantage children can perform mathematical operations quickly and correctly that is not necessarily acquired at school. The aim of the research presented in the paper is to provide a comprehensive picture of the level of development of the problem-solving skills of disadvantage students participating in the study and their ability to apply the acquired mathematical skills. A set of tasks was compiled to measure their skills. The results of the survey contribute to a better understanding of the learning difficulties, shortcomings, and problems of disadvantage students in acquiring mathematical knowledge.

    Keywords: disadvantage students; problem-solving thinking; mathematical knowledge level;

  • Maja Gaborova ,
    Dijana Karuovićb ,
    Mila Kavalićc ,
    Dragica Radosavč ,
    Dragana Milosavljevć ,
    Sanja Stanisaljevd ,
    Jozef Bushati :

    Abstract: It is known that initially, during software development, the traditional methodology was used for all IT projects and projects were often unsuccessful due to the rapid growth of the IT industry, and then agile methodologies began to be developed. Traditional methods have some advantages over agile methodologies, and mostly the most common traditional methodology is Waterfall. Given that it has limitations in handling problems, such as unstructured code, team morale, poor visibility, lack of communication between stakeholders and frequent prioritization of user requirements, it would not be bad to use agile methodologies, which focus on working with users, continuous testing, refactoring and incremental development. This paper deals with the comparison of methodologies in IT project management based on other scientific research. Some of the mentioned methodologies are Scrum, Kanban, Waterfall, etc. It was concluded that the agile Scrum methodology is mostly used in IT companies, with the combination of several methodologies often appearing, due to the need for projects, in order to eliminate the shortcomings of each methodology.

    Keywords: agile; traditional; IT project; management; Scrum; Waterfall; Kanban;

  • Pásztor Judit ,
    Tolvaly-Roșca Ferenc ,
    Forgó Zoltán :
    Ásógép munkaparamétereinek vizsgálata [823.80 kB - PDF]EPA-03333-00017-0050

    Absztrakt: Az alapművelés a talajművelés rendszerében a legmélyebb talajmunkát jelenti. Ez a termesztőberendezésekben gyakran ásógéppel történik. Az ásás energiaigénye nagy. Egy valós adatokkal megalkotott ásógép szerelési modelljére épülő SimuLink szimulációval vizsgáljuk az üzemeltetési paraméterek hatását az ásás másodlagos műveleteire, a lazításra és aprításra. A kapott eredményeket mérésekkel ellenőrizzük. A cikkben mérésre kerül az ásatlan és ásott talaj tömörsége, valamint meghatározásra az aprítás mértéke három haladási sebesség esetén. A kapott eredmények alapján az ásóél pontjának mozgáspályájából kitűnik az ásott talajszelet geometriája és a munkasebesség közti összefüggés Az ismeretek a termesztési technológia kialakításában hasznosíthatók.

    Kulcsszavak: ásógép; szerelési modell; szimuláció; talajlazítás; talajaprítás;