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Jates11. évf. 3. sz. (2021.)


  • Borító [125.65 kB - PDF]EPA-03333-00016-0010

Cikkek és tanulmányok

  • Jan Beseda ,
    Michal Cerny ,
    Jaroslav Pekara :

    Abstract: The paper focuses on the perception of Covid-19 Distance Education in health care profession in Czechia from perspective of higher education teachers and students. The study answers two research questions: 1) How satisfied were health profession students and teachers with their education during the COVID-19 pandemic? and 2) How did the perspectives on education in terms of methods differ between health professions teachers and students with education during the COVID-19 pandemic? The research used mixed methods research (quantitative survey and focus groups). There is a significant distance between students' and teachers' perceptions of online education and its forms. Teachers see online education less negatively (29%) than students (51,1%). One of the reasons, it was the lack of communication and support from HEIs. Teachers have didactic problems in managing their teaching, especially when they try to activate students. On the contrary students perceive themselves as active, but this does not entirely correspond to the view of their teachers. Students remain more conservative in their perception of online learning. However, student do not perceive any teaching method simple negatively. An exercise followed by simulation teaching and demonstration teaching and lecture are the best rate the form of teaching by students. Teachers rate demonstration and simulation teaching, discussions and exercises the best.

    Keywords: covid-19; higher education; health care, online learning

  • Eva Mikuska ,
    Tehmina Khan ,
    Andre Kurowski :
    Home-schooling during the lockdown in Englanden [311.58 kB - PDF]EPA-03333-00016-0030

    Abstract: Since the start of the pandemic, schools around the world have closed their doors to children to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus. This meant that many parents were forced to start home schooling their children which requiring significant efforts, knowledge, and the right equipment. Home schooling, or ‘Elective Home Education’, requires parents to ensure that their child receives efficient full-time education appropriate to his-her age and ability (Department for Education, 2019). Home schooling has become the new ‘norm’ during the first and third lockdowns in England. This paper reports on relevant policy analysis, empirical research/literature review and findings from semi-structured interviews with parents who home schooled their primary school aged children. Findings indicate that the habitus of familial environment and the social position of field are significant determinants of education outcomes, in which the cultural and material deprivation have played a part. This paper highlights that home schooling has brought inequalities in educational experience into sharp focus and has shown the importance of embodied preferences and cultural goods in the drive to improve outcomes across the country. Had cultural approaches not been so different, the experiences of children from the North and the South, and from richer and poorer families, would not have been so different. Findings also shows how financial privilege does not provide an escape from stress and how parents’ well-being, regardless of their economic background, has been affected by home- schooling.

    Keywords: home schooling; social class; cultural capital; cultural deprivation

  • Abdul-Rahman Balogun Muhammed-Shittu :

    Abstract: The concentration of this empirical research is on the second language effects on academic dishonesty of post-secondary school students. In the current age, the advancement of technology has a drastic contribution to the enhancement of academic and learning activities. It is relevantly significant to recognize the existence of free online tools in respect of google translator metamorphosing the technique of students’ engagement in view of the alternative language. Students at their various academic institutions have developed substantial amount of indulgent interest in the usage of machine translation. Remarkably, issues pertaining to the prevalence of online free translation tools could have been deemed from the perspectives of several critics, as virtually unthinkable. A lot of researchers have conducted studies on issues pertaining to academic integrity such as plagiarism, cheating, falsification, and fabrication of data but most of these studies were done disjointedly. Students who possess the alternative language skill typically have a specific technique to engage in cheating acts and uncommon approaches of their engagement in academic dishonesty. Hence, this study sightsees the impacts of the additional language on the academic dishonesty of students. The participants were the populace of a unique private university students in Baku, Azerbaijan. A self-constructed questionnaire was randomly disseminated among 95 participants of the control group. A plausible contribution of this empirical research is highlighted firstly from the perspective of scarcity of the previous studies as it adds to the existing literature. Earlier studies limited the investigation on the second language students to the classroom settings. Meanwhile, this study expands the scope through the participants’ aptitude to read and comprehend different language aside from the language of instruction at the university. Consequently, the selection of the control group and accurate analysis methods affirm the limitations of this study and open the door of contributions for the succeeding studies.

    Keywords: academic integrity; second language; academic dishonesty; post-secondary students

  • Krájnik Izabella ,
    Demeter Róbert :

    Absztrakt: A banknak, mint minden gazdasági egységnek, arra kell törekednie, hogy olyan kockázatokat vállaljon, amelyek arányban állnak a tulajdonosok jövedelmezőséggel kapcsolatos elvárásaival. A bank a tevékenységéből származó jövedelmét és az azzal járó kockázatokat a kockázatvállalásra alapozza, a lehetséges veszteségek csökkentése érdekében. A banki kockázatok a pénzügyi rendszer gazdasági kockázataihoz kapcsolódnak, és külön kockázati kategóriát képviselnek. A banki kockázatelemzés egy fejlődő gazdaságban azért fontos, mert a kapott adatoktól függően bizonyos döntések születnek az adott tevékenységi terület további gazdasági és pénzügyi folyamatainak értékelését illetően. Jelen cikk a banki kockázatot és a számviteli képzéssel összefüggő szakirodalmi áttekintést (2000-2021) mutatja be a Scopus adatbázis felhasználásával. A cikk továbbá áttekinti azokat a tudományágakat, amelyekben a legtöbb tudományos munkát készítettek, és elemzi, hogy mely országok rendelkeznek a legtöbb kutatással.

    Kulcsszavak: kockázatkezelés; számvitel; banki kockázat; pénzügyi stabilitás, számviteli képzés

  • István Szőköl ,
    Ondrej Kováč :
    Quality of the Educational Processen [366.55 kB - PDF]EPA-03333-00016-0060

    Abstract: Quality improvement of the teaching process requires teachers to constantly think, analyse and evaluate their own work and try to improve its quality. The paper deals with the introduction of quality management in the teaching process, since one way of improving the quality of education is to build a quality management system at secondary schools, focusing exclusively on schools with Hungarian language of instruction. In the most countries of the world, its trend to create expectations for result of the schools work, we can say standards, which could be regularly controlled. From the most of products it’s required to answer for predetermined standards, and these standards or norms are strictly controlled. In schools they don’t do it. Nobody guaranteed, that the student of that school in which he learn the knowledge, skills, etc. The goal of the study is to point out why these students are unmotivated and in which domain it is worth planning an intervention.

    Keywords: learning process, quality of education, educational process, teaching process, different learning