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Geometodika6. évf. 1. sz. (2022.)



  • Mikesy Gábor :
    Kalandozás a földrajzi nevek között5-24 [347.10 kB - PDF]EPA-03269-00014-0010

    Abstract: Geographical names provide an inexhaustible source of knowledge about the landscape and the human communities that inhabit it, and as the latter are changing, so do the geographical names, too. This paper does not commit itself to anyone of the many possible approaches, but selects from linguistic (etymological and semantic), historical, cartographic, cultural and administrative topics, with a view to providing contributions to the teaching of geography.

    Keywords: geographical names, onomastics, linguistic change, name borrowing

  • Leelőssy Ádám ,
    Varga-Balogh Adrienn ,
    Hérincs Dávid :
    Időjárási veszélyek és veszélyjelzések Magyarországon25-41 [4.40 MB - PDF]EPA-03269-00014-0020

    Abstract: This study provides an overview on weather risks and available weather warning and prediction systems in Hungary. Most important weather risks include severe weather and thunderstorms with hail, flash floods and lightning damage; as well as winter precipitation, ice, frost, snow and freezing rain. The Hungarian Meteorological Service issues different weather warnings with 3-day and 3-hour time advantage to allow sufficient preparation for severe weather. Weather warnings, the basic understanding of meteorological background and responsible human response are all required to mitigate weather risks and reduce the avoidable damage.

    Keywords: thunderstorm, weather risk, weather alert, severe weather


  • Homoki Erika ,
    Szalmás Anikó ,
    Sütő László :
    Tehetséggondozás a Felsőoktatási Földtudományi Diákkörben43-58 [859.67 kB - PDF]EPA-03269-00014-0030

    Abstract: The unique National Scientific Students’ Associations (Hungarian abbreviation TDK) movement of the Hungarian higher education system has not only a prominent role in discovering and developing talents, but is also becoming increasingly important on the country’s labour market. The most important goals of TDK are talent nurturing, increasing university students’ interest in sciences and thusattract talented, enthusiastic and motivated students. In parallel with the demographic data, the number of students enrolled in higher education shows a declining trend, especially in science and in teacher training. In accordance, the Council of the National Scientific Students’ Associations (OTDT) aims at involving high school students in its talent nurturing movement, too. In this paper, we describe on what basis do Scientific Students’ Associations work, how university mentors select students who show talent, and what qualities play a role in talent identification and development. We examined these questions based on data from the Physics, Earth Sciences and Mathematics section of the Conferences of the National Scientific Students’ Associations (OTDK) held every two years, focusing on earth sciences. Data from previous conferences were collected and analysed, and then, after a review of the literature on talent management, questionnaire and semi-structured interviews were used. Eleven interviews were made, and 51 responses were received to the questionnaire. The results show common features of talent management in different university talent nurturing workshops and that the expertise of individual supervisors strongly influences the development of students' careers.

    Keywords: talent, talent development, Scientific Students’ Associations, higher education, earth sciences

  • Tóbiás Katinka ,
    Boros Lajos :

    Abstract: The development of ICT technologies and the subsequent social changes pose significant challenges to teachers. Now methodologies are needed in order to maintain student engagement and motivation. Gamification is one of the approaches that can be used in classrooms. Computer games can be used to present socio-spatial processes in classroom in an interesting way. The study presents the possibilities in relation to the use city building games in education with a special emphasis on Cities: Skylines, which one of the most renowned and popular games within this genre.

    Keywords: gamification, city simulator, city building, Cities: Skylines, urban processes, SimCity



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