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Geometodika3. évf. 3. sz. (2019.)



  • Varga Andrea :
    Kémia a földrajztanításban5-18 [561.14 kB - PDF]EPA-03269-00007-0010

    Abstract: The periodic table of chemical elements is a common language for science, capturing the essence not only of chemistry, but also of earth sciences, including geography and geochemistry. This study provides chemical examples for project tasks in geography teaching.

    Keywords: periodic table, geographical elements, economic geology, rare earth elements, diffusion, adsorption

  • Horváth Gergely :

    Abstract: For the majority of mankind „nature conservation” means only the protection of the flora and fauna and – in a wider sense – that of the biodiversity. It did not become widely known that also the inanimate elements of the nature should be protected. At the second half of 20th century started a movement in the earth sciences for making known for the public the importance of the geological and geomorphic values, of which summing name became the geoheritage, and also the notion of the geosites – places, where geoscientific values can be found – has been introduced. Moreover, for making known with the public the geoheritage a new institution-type has been established, the geopark. However, in spite this intention the main aim of the geopark is not showing, but the regional development of the area of the geopark (and its vicinity), especially due to the geotourism inspired by the geoheritage. Since the establishment of the first four European geoparks in 2000, the geopark movement widely distributed and recently it is co-ordinated by the Global Geopark Network, which belongs to the UNESCO. Nowadays is very difficult to be member of the Network, it needs a long application process and the title can be obtained only for five years, thereafter the usage of the title will be strictly reconsidered. In 2019 there are 140 geoparks in 38 countries, among them two Hungarian, the Novohrad-Nógrád and the Bakony–Balaton Geopark.

    Keywords: geopark, geoheritage, geosite, nature conservation, geographical education


  • Furtner Nikolett :
    Ásvány- és kőzettani tudásszerzés terepen29-43 [360.99 kB - PDF]EPA-03269-00007-0030

    Abstract: We can learn about our planet within the four walls of a school, but we can only really get to know it if we go beyond these walls. This was my fundamental idea when I created my diagnostic task sheets. By using these I could assess secondary students’ (140 of them) prior knowledge. That is, what they actually remember from the primary school curriculum. Based on these results, I have created 6 field assignments (for 6 different field types). The range of these tasks span from reinforcing uncertain prior knowledge to 9th grade material. After the evaluation process, I also worked out a development plan, which shows how to further integrate mineralogy and petrology into the 5th-10th grade curriculum. It also deals with the issue of keeping this knowledge relevant and available for students to use in the long term.

    Keywords: prior knowledge, fieldwork, development plan, life stages

  • Schlachter Gabriella :

    Abstract: Student misconceptions can cause serious problems in education. Our research was aimed at showeing and analysing misconceptions in astronomical geography. The focus of the research was on moon cycles, solar eclipses, and tides. Our aim was to draw the attention of geography teachers to the most frequent misconceptions, in order to be able to avoid them.

    Keywords: false illusions in education, astronomic geography



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