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Studia theologica Debrecinensis2015/2.



  • Gaál Botond :

    Abstract: A funny or an interesting occurence quickly becomes an anecdote at a university. It is a pity that these anecdotes slowly disappear from the collective memory because they never get recorded in written form. Newer generations have no means to be aware of these witty stories of bygone eras, although these anecdotes are parst of the fabric of the institution. Wonderful stories of professors and students act as glue and cohesive force on and off campus. Here you will be able to read amazing stories full of humor as they happened at the Reformed Theological Faculty of the University of Debrecen.

  • Karl W. Schwarz :
    Debrecen-Wien: Von István Szoboszlai Pap bis Zsigmond Varga27-37de [224.75 kB - PDF]EPA-02519-00009-0030

    Összefoglalás: Karl W. Schwarz, a Bécsi Egyetem Protestáns Teológiai Fakultásának professzora arra vállalkozik írásában, hogy röviden bemutassa a debreceni és bécsi teológiai képzés közel két évszázados kapcsolatát, mégpedig olyan jeles személyiségeken keresztül, akiket saját történelmében mindkét lelkészképző intézet számon tart. A közös történet 19. századi debreceni professzorokkal kezdődik, akik bécsi katedrára pályáztak. Közülük Szoboszlai Pap István esetét ismerhetjük meg részletesebben, aki legközelebb került ahhoz, hogy professzori állást kapjon Bécsben, ám pályázatát végül visszavonta. A folytatásban azoknak neveivel találkozhatunk, akik Bécsben szereztek doktori fokozatot, majd Debrecenben lettek meghatározó teológusokká, úgymint Révész Imre, Erdős József és Károly, Lencz Géza, valamint Veress István. A Debrecen és Bécs közötti híd 20. századi továbbépítésében Pákozdy László Márton és Makkai László szerepét emeli ki a tanulmány, a szerző végül a mártírteológus, ifj. Varga Zsigmond jelentőségéről emlékezik meg, felelevenítve életének és működésének fontosabb állomásait, letartóztatásának és halálának körülményeit.

  • Karasszon István :
    A Deuteronomiumi Történeti Mű39-47 [214.36 kB - PDF]EPA-02519-00009-0040

    Abstract: This study is a review of the scholarly works on the Deuteronomistic History Writing and it aims at presenting the different approaches and at collecting the arguments in favour or against this major hypothesis of biblical exegesis of the 20th century. After mentioning the forerunners, the study begins with M. Noth thesis and thereupon it tackles the further developments of the theory, i.e., the double or triple redactions of the books from Joshua to 2Kings. The author tries to distinguish different trends in today’s research also and shows similarities and differences between the newly discovered insights. Certainly there are unique scholars like J. Van Seters, but there are opponents to the theory like E. A. Knauf; nevertheless, the integration is possible, and the consistent basis of a commentary work can be established.

  • Hodossy-Takács Előd :

    Abstract: The intention of the present study is to review the fundamental aims and difficulties of the upcoming commentary on the First and Second Book of Kings prepared for the newly revised version of the Hungarian Bible Translation. The introduction surveys the different types of the previous commentaries written on the Book of Kings, such as critical; thematic commentary made to a particular Bible translation. The study considers the advantages and disadvantages of these types. Following this introductory survey, the author examines the main challenges of commentary writing, focusing on historical problems behind the Books of Kings.

  • Peleskey Miklós Péter :
    A Barth-tanítvány, Torrance eszkatológiai felfogása61-70 [219.65 kB - PDF]EPA-02519-00009-0060

    Abstract: Barth took revelation as the basis for theology to distinguish the world of God from God and with this he liberated theology from philosophy, giving back the authority to the Scripture. He rejected natural theology in order to avoid a dualist approach. Torrance recognized that what Barth did in theology was similar to what Einstein did in physics. Both of them rejected dualism at the same age in two different territories of the experience of human beings. But Einstein did not reject totally the approach of Newton but limited the Newtonian physics framework. The higher knowledge does not wipe out the lower but limits it. Therefore, Torrance did not reject natural theology and stood up for the dialogue between science and theology without blurring the boundaries. Natural theology is valid inside a more general theology which can give its framework. Torrance, who was a pupil of Barth, stated that geometry without physics and natural theology without revealed theology both only are empty tautological system. The transcendent element in the science of nature is not identified with God, but it cries aloud for God if only because the immanent rationality in nature does not provide us with any explanation of itself. The truth of God cannot be demonstrated from another ground or from lesser truths for He is the ultimate ground. Knowledge of the ultimate rationality of God is reached at the point where our human reason becomes enlightened from beyond the limits of created rationality and where an infinite extension of intelligibility beyond ourselves is disclosed.



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