Fizikai Szemle nyitólap


Fizikai Szemle 1999/9. 349.o.




  1. Kalorimetrischer Nachweis einer Termaufspaltung im Gadoliniumsulfat. (with F. SIMON) Nasturwiss 21, 178, 1933.
  2. Über d. thermische u. magnetische Verhalten d. Gadoliniumsulfats im Temp. gebiet d. flüss. Heliums. Z. f. Phys. Chem. B 20, 305, 1933.
  3. Production of very Low Temperatures by the Magnetic Method: Supraconductivity of Cadmium. (with F. SIMON) Nature, 133, 907, 1934.
  4. A Simple Arrangement for the Magnetic Cooling Method. (with F. SIMON) Physica, 1, 10, 1934.
  5. Further Experiments with the Magnetic Cooling Method. (with F. SIMON) Nature, 135, 31, 1935.
  6. Experiments at very Low Temperatures obtained by the Magnetic Method I. (with F. SIMON) Proc. Roy. Soc. 149, 152, 1935.
  7. Experiments at very Low Temperatures obtained by the Magnetic Method II: New Supraconductors. (with F. SIMON) Proc. Roy. Soc. 151, 610, 1935.
  8. Specific Heat of Fe-Alum below 1 K and Preliminary Determination of the Thermodynamic Scale: in discussion on Supraconductivity, etc., May 30th. (with F. SIMON) Proc. Roy. Soc. 152, 21, 1935.
  9. Preliminary Experiments on Temperature Equilibria at Very Low Temperatures. (with B.V. ROLLIN, F. SIMON) Physica III, 4, 266, 1936.
  10. Installation, au Laboratoire de l'Electroaimant de Bellevue, d'un Appareil pour la Liquefaction de l'Hélium et l'Obtention des Températures Inférieures à 1 K par la Méthode Magnétique. (with P. LAINE, B.V. ROLLIN, F. SIMON) Comptes Rendus des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences. 202, 1421, 1936.
  11. Sur l'Apparition de Ferromagnétisme dans quelques Sels Paramagnétiques à de trés Basses Températures. (with F. SIMON, P. LAINÉ, B.V. ROLLIN) Comptes Rendus des Séances de l'Académie de Sciences. 202, 1576, 1936.
  12. Recherches sur le Ferromagnétisme de l'Alun de FerAmmoniacal. (with P. LAINÉ, F. SIMON) Comptes Rendus des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences. 204, 675, 1937.
  13. Expériences sur l'Échelle Thermodynamique de Température audessous de 1 K. (with P. LAINÉ, F. SIMON) Comptes Rendus des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences. 204, 754, 1937.
  14. Expériences, avec le grand Electroaimant de Bellevue, à de trés Basses Températures, obtenues par la Méthode Magnétique. (with P. LAINÉ, B.V. ROLLIN, F. SIMON) Proc. VII Intern. Congress Refrigeration, 1, 558, 1937.
  15. Heat Transport in Liquid Helium below 1 K. (with F. SIMON) Nature, 142, 207, 1938.
  16. Remarks on the Thermodynamic Scale of Temperature. (with F. SIMON) Phil. Mag. 26, 840, 1938.
  17. Remarks on the "Curie" Scale of Temperature. (with F. SIMON) Phil. Mag. 26 849, 1938.
  18. Désaimantations adiabatiques à partir de températures obtenues avec l'Hydrogéne Solide. (with P. LAINÉ, F. SIMON) Comptes Rendus 208, 173, 1939.
  19. Méthodes Expérimentales aux Basses Températures obtenues par la Méthode Magnétique. Les Phénomènes Cryomagnétiques Cérémonies Langevin - Perrin, Paris 1948
  20. The use of Liquid Helium in Magnetic Cooling experiments. (with R. P. HUDSON, B. HUNT) Proc. Phys. Soc. A 62, 392, 1949.
  21. L Antiferromagnétisme aux Basses Températures. Journal de Physique. 12, 281, 1951.
  22. Film Transfer in Helium II below l K. (with E. AMBLER) Phil. Mag. 43, 260, 1952.
  23. A Determination of the Nuclear Magnetic Moment of Co60, using the method of Nuclear Alignment. (with B. BLEANEY, J.M. DANIELS, M.A. GRACE, H. HALBAN, F.N.H. ROBINSON) Phys. Rev. 85, 688, 1952.
  24. The Temperature Range below 1° Absolute. Low Temperature Physics. Pergamon Press, London, 1952.
  25. Film Flow and the behaviour of Helium Cryostats below the point. (with E. AMBLER) Phil. Mag. 43, December 1952.
  26. The Alignment of Co58. (with J.M. DANIELS, M.A. GRACE, H. HALBAN, F.N.H. ROBINSON) Phil. Mag. (7) 43, 1952.
  27. Polarized -rays from Aligned Nuclei. (with G.R. BISHOP, J.M. DANIELS, G. GOLDSCHMIDT, H. HALBAN, F.N.H. ROBINSON) Phys. Rev. 88, 1432, 1952.
  28. Nuclear Polarization of Cobalt 60. (with E. AMBLER, M.A. GRACE, H. HALBAN, H. DURAND, C.E. JOHNSON AND H.R. LEMMER) Phyl. Mag. 44, 216, 1953,
  29. On the use of -rays in Low Temperature Calorimetry. (with F.E. SIMON) Phil. Mag. 44, 501, 1953.
  30. Experiments on Nuclear Orientation at very Low Temperatures. I. Estahlishment of a method of Nuclear Alignment and its application to Cobalt-60. (with B. BLEANEY, J.M. DANIELS, M.A. GRACE, H. HALBAN, F:N.H. ROBINSON, F.E. SIMON) Proc. Roy. Soc. A 221, 170, 1954.
  31. The Thermal and Magnetic Properties of Chromium Potassium Alum below 0.1 K. (with J.M. DANIELS) Proc. Roy. Soc. A 221, 243, 1954.
  32. The Thermal and Magnetic Properties of Chromium Methylamine Alum between 0.01 and 1 K. (with W.E. GARDNER) Proc. Roy. Soc. A 223, 542, 1954.
  33. Reversible Generation of Temperature Waves ("Second Sound") in Liquid Helium II. (with J. MCINTOSH) Phil. Mag. Ser. (7) 46, 104, 1955.
  34. Nuclear Orientation of 54Mn. (with M.A. GRACE, C.E. JOHNSON, H.R. LEMMER, F.N.H. ROBINSON) Phil. Mag. Ser. 7, 45, 1192, 1954.
  35. Les Propriétés Thermiques et Magnétiques de quelques Alums. (with W.E. GARDNER) Int. Low Temp. Physics Conf. Paris, Sept. 1955.
  36. La Production Réversihle de Second Son dans l'Helium Liquide. (with J. McINTOSH) Int. Low Temp. Physics Conf. Paris, Sept. 1955.
  37. Orientation Nucléaire dans le Cobalt Métallique. (with M.A. GRACE, C.E. JOHNSON, R.G. SCURLOCK, R.T. TAYLOR) Int. Low Temp. Conf. Paris, Sept. 1955.
  38. Revue de Travaux Récents d'Alignement Nucléaire à Oxford. Int. Low Temp. Physics. Conf. Paris, Sept. 1955.
  39. Le Domaine des Températures ou «Regnent» les Spins. J. de Phys. 17, 85, 1956.
  40. Nuclear Cooling. (with F.N.H. ROBINSON, F.E. SIMON, D.A. SPOHR) Nature, 178, 450, 1956.
  41. Towards the Microdegree Absolute Temperature Range. Sci. Prog. 179/45, 401, 1957.
  42. Magnetism at Very Low Temperature and Nuclear Orientation. Nuovo Cimento, Vol. 6, Suppl. 1101, 1957.
  43. Nuclear Orientation and Nuclear Cooling. Physics Today, 11/3, 19, 1958.
  44. The Absolute Temperature Scale at Low Temperatures. Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie Neue Folge. 16, 3-6, 1958.
  45. The Specific heats of Gadolinium and Terbium between 0.2 K and 6K. (with R.S. SAFRATA) Phil. Mag. 3/31, 780, 1958.
  46. High Energy Coil Magnets. Physica 24 - Kamerlingh Onnes Conf., Leiden 1958, p. 123.
  47. Franz Eugen Simon, 1893-1956. Biog. Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 4, 225, 1958.
  48. Experimental Determination of the Hyperfine Coupling in Ferromagnetic Metals and Alloys. J. Appl. Phys. Suppl. 30, 2158, 1959.
  49. The Determination of the Hyperfine Coupling in Ferromagnetic Metals by Nuclear Orientation and Low Temperature Specific Heats. J. de Physique et le Radium 20, 141, 1959.
  50. Nuclear Orientation and the Hyperfine Structure Coupling in Cobalt Metal. (with M.A. GRACE, C.E. JOHNSON, R.G. SCURLOCK, R.T. TAYLOR) Phil. Mag. 4, 948, 1959.
  51. Experiments on Nuclear Cooling. (with M.V. HOBDEN) Phil. Mag. 4, 1092, 1959.
  52. New Trends in the Temperature Range 10-6 K- 1 K. Overdruk uit Symposium van de Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Wetenschappen. Letteren en Schone Kunsten van Belgie - Klasse der Wetenschappen, 1959.
  53. The Lowest Temperature in the World. Physics Today, 13, 26, 1960.
  54. Cooling by Adiabatic Demagnetisation of Nuclear Spins. Cryogenics 1/1, 1960.
  55. Das Temperaturgebiet unterhalb 1 K: Rückblick und Ausblick. Physikertagung Berlin 1959. p. 20 (Physik Verlag: Mosback/Baden):
  56. Nuclear Orientation. Proc. VII Int. Conf. Low Temp. Physics, Toronto. 1960. p. 156.
  57. Atomkerne und Kältephysik. Universitas (Stuttgart) 16 633, 1961.
  58. High Magnetic Fields and Low Temperature Physics. Proc. Int. Conf. on High Magnetic Fields, 1961, 505.
  59. La Desaimantation Adiabatique: Industries Atomiques, 6/7-8, 95, 1962.
  60. Temperatures below 1 K. Reprinted from Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, 8, 1, 1963.
  61. The How and Why of Strong Magnetic Fields,The Fifty-third May Lecture of the Institute of Metals; 1963. J. Inst: Metals, 93, 1, 1964.
  62. 62 Notes about Termiology and Nomenclature. J. of the Royal Aeronautical Society, 69, 768, 1965.
  63. Erős mágneses terek (Strong Magnetic Fields). Fizikai Szemle (Budapest) 16/6, 1966.
  64. Spins and Cryogenics. Cont. Phys., 8, 21, 1967.
  65. High Magnetic Fields and Nuclear Cooling. Proc. Conf. «Les Champs Magnétiques Intenses», Grenoble, Sept. 1966, p. 31.
  66. Electric Power at Low Temperatures. New Scientist 36, 604; 1967.
  67. Engineers and Scientists in Industry. (with S.G. HOOKER) Nature 217/5129, 609, 1968.
  68. La Région de Température des Millidegrés Kelvin: Problèmes et Réalisation. Proceedings of the Journées Internationales des États Extrême de la Matière, Paris, April 1967 (p. 269). Published by Instiut Français des Combustibles et de l'Énergie, July, 1968.
  69. Low Temperatures in the Generation and Transmission of Electric Power Proceedings of the XIIth International Congress of Refrigeration, (Madrid 1968), 1, 1 (1969).
  70. A Discussion on Ion Implantation and Hyperfine Interactions. (with N.J. STONE, G. DEARNALEY, J.H. FREEMAN) Proc. Roy. Soc. A 311, 1-209, 1969.
  71. The Needs of the Scientific Community. Journal of Documentation, 25/4, 1969.
  72. The Physicist in the Kitchen. Proc. Roy. Instn., 42/199, 451-467, 1969.
  73. Low Temperature Terminology. Cryogenics 10, 183,1970. A report of the meeting of low temperature terminology held in Paris December 1969.
  74. Simon Memorial Prize 1970 - Prof. W. Meissner. Physics Bulletin, 21, 418, 1970.
  75. Problems of Cooling below 1 mK. Proc. of 3rd Int. Cryogenic Eng. Conf., Berlin, 1970, 1989.
  76. Historical Survey of Nuclear Cooling. Proc. 1970 Ultra Low Temperature Symposium (Washington D.C., ONRL Report 7133, pp. 13-26.
  77. Low Temperatures and the Production and Transmission of Electricity. Metalurgia-y-Electricidad. 34/393, p. 397-404, 1970.
  78. The Archives of Twentieth-century Scientists and Technologists. Aslib. Proc. 23/3, 118, 1971.
  79. Inauguration of the Amphitheatre Doyen Louis Weil. Cryogenics, 11/4, 322, 1971.
  80. Chapter 1. Introduction: in Cryogenic Fundamentals. Ed. G.G. HASELDEN, Academic Press, London and New York, pp. 1-15, 1971.
  81. Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics and their Relevance to Cryogenics. Advanced Cryogenics. Ed. C.A. BAILEY, Plenum Press, London, pp. 1-50, 1971.
  82. Simon, Sir Francis (Franz Eugen ). Dictionary of National Biography, 1951-1960, p. 890, (Oxford 1971)
  83. Absolute Zero. from Chambers' Encyclopaedia.
  84. Liquefaction of Gases. from Chambers' Encyclopaedia.
  85. Electricity: Time for some Critical Re-thinking. Science Policy, 1/4, 6, 1972.
  86. Discussion on Dielectric Design Criteria for Solid-Insulated Superconducting a. c. Cables, and Design for a Superconducting a. c. Power Cable. Proc; IEE. 119/8, 1972.
  87. Termes Technique Français. New Scientist, Hermann p. 208, 36F, 1973.
  88. Professionad Etiquette. Phys. Bull. 24, p. 692, 1973.
  89. High Magnetic Fields: in Retrospect and Prospect. Proc. Int. Conf. on Physics in High Magnetic Fields. 242, Grenoble, p. 15, 1974.
  90. Alacsony hőmérsékletek. Low Temperatures. Fizikai Szemle, 25, p. 1., 1975.
  91. Thermodynamics and Energy. Aspects of Energy Conversion. Ed. BLAIR, JONES, V. HORN. Pergamon Press, p. 177, 1976.
  92. From Cailletet and Pictet to Microkelvin. Cryogenics, 18/8, p. 451-458, 1978.
  93. From the 1st Mist of Liquid-Oxygen to Nuclear Ordering - Anecdotes from the History of Refrigeration. Physica B & C, 110/1-3, pp. 1737-1752, 1982.
  94. Oxford Commemoration - Liquid Helum at the Clarendon Laboratory. Nature, 302/5905, p. 210, 1983.
  95. Magnets I Have Known. Lecture Notes in Physics, 177, pp. 542-548, 1983.
  96. Oxford Physics - Opportunity Lost in 1865. Nature, 308/5957, pp. 313-314, 1984.
  97. Helmholtz and the Cavendish Laboratory. Nature, 314/6011, p. 499, 1985.
  98. On Food and Cooking: the Science and Love of the Kitchen - H. McGee. Nature, 314/6013, p. 701. (Book Review).
  99. F.A. Lindemann, Viscount Cherwell (1886-1957). (with B. BLEANEY, A.H. COOKE, K.W.H. STEVENS) Phys. Bull, 37, 261, 1956.
  100. Cailletet, Clifton, Helmoltz, Lindemann, Max Muller, Pictet, Simon: myths, mishaps and mysteries in cryogenics. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Cryogenic Engineering Conference. ICEC 11. Buttetworth, Guildford, UK, 1986. (Book Review):
  101. Nuclear Power. Nature 341/6237, p. 10, 1989.
  102. The N-Word. Physics World, 4/8, p. 21, 1991.
  103. Brochure Errs. Physics World, 5/7, p. 18, 1992.
  104. Operation Epsilon - The Farm Hall Transcripts. Nature, 364/6433, p. 114, 1993.
  105. Food and Feast in Medieval England - Hammond, P.W. Review in Nature, 368/6472, pp. 595-596, 1994.
  106. History of Food - Toussaintsamet, M. Review in Nature, 368/6472, pp. 595-596, 1994,
  107. A Taste of History - 10,000 Years of Food in Britain - Brears, P, Black, M., Corbishley, G., Renfrew, J., Stead, J. Review in Nature, 368/6472, pp. 595-596, 1994.
  108. The Secrets of the Casserole - French- ThisBenckhard, H. Review in Nature, 368/6472, pp. 595-596, 1994.
  109. Chemistry and Physics in the Kitchen. (with H. THISBENCKHARD) Scientific American, 270/4, pp. 66-71, 1994.
  110. The Kitchen as a Lab. (with H. THISBENCKHARD) Scientific American, 270/4, pp. 120-123, 1994.
  111. Stale Bread Mystery - Reply. (with H. THISBENCKHARD) Scientific American, 271/2, p. 9, 1994.
  112. Discerning Ducks. Physics World, 7/9, p. 19, 1994:
  113. Good Food, Fine Works. Review of four books. Nature 368, p. 595-596, 1994.
  114. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Low Temperature. Physics - Prague, August 8-14, 1996. - Comment. Czech. J. of Phys. 46/S6 p. cxv, 1996.
  115. The Prehistory and Early History of Nuclear Cooling: Reflections of a Cryodinosaur. Czech. J. of Phys. 46/S6, pp. 3371-3375, 1996.
  116. Rumford and Culinary Science. in Cooks and other People: Proceedings of the Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery 1995. Prospect Books, pp. 170-184, 1996.
  117. Atomic Histories- Peierls, R.E. Review in Nature, 387/6628, p. 34, 1997.
  118. Parity and Chivalry in Nuclear Physics. (with C. SUTTON) Nature, 385/6617, p. 575, 1997.
  119. Chivalry put Wu First. Physics World, 10/6, p. 19, 1997.
  120. Food Properties Handbook - Rahman, S. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 23/1, pp. 87-88, 1998.