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Magyar Nyelvőr146. évf. 2. sz. (2022. április-június)



  • Kövecses Zoltán :
    A NEMZET fogalma másként137-164 [541.03 kB - PDF]EPA-00188-00107-0020

    In the paper I examine the issue of the kind and nature of our knowledge in connection with the concept of NEMZET (nation) in Hungarian. I contend that this knowledge is to a large extent metaphorical. By metaphor I mean „conceptual metaphor.” The knowledge we possess draws essentially on seven conceptual metaphors, of which the most productive and most significant one is the metaphor THE NATION IS A PERSON. The different conceptual metaphors contribute differential conceptual content to our knowledge and they profile different aspects of it. The methodology that is employed relies on a corpus-based approach commonly used in cognitive linguistics.

    nation, conceptual metaphor, conceptual knowledge, metaphorical mapping, metaphorical entailment, naive vs. expert theory

  • Lantay Gyula :

    This paper examines nouns of foreign origin with strongly marked consonant clusters at the end and how they behave when Hungarian native speakers inflect them for the accusative case. Unlike other Hungarian nouns (or what speakers reckon as Hungarian nouns), a significant part of Hungarian native speakers add the accusative case marker to these nouns without a linking vowel (e.g. taps > tapsot [tɒpʃ] > [tɒpʃot] ‘applause, nom. > acc.’ but Hanks > Hankst [hɛŋks] > [hɛŋkst]) which is highly unexpected. The investigation took place within the model of Optimality Theory. With the Dep(morpheme), Max> Exhω, Dep constraint order the insignificant candidates lose in the beginning of the contest. If Hungarian native speakers apply the method of estrangement, they apply the constraint Dep before the constrain Exhω, so the winner will be the contestant without the linking vowel; otherwise Hungarian native speakers apply Exhω before Dep and the winner will be the contestant with the linking vowel.

    Optimality Theory, syllable structure, extrasyllabicity, linking vowel, consonant cluster

  • Pölcz Ádám :
    A mondattani elemzés életszerűségéről177-185 [498.52 kB - PDF]EPA-00188-00107-0040

    The present study deals with the theoretical foundations of teaching traditional syntax. The basic hypothesis is that there is a relation between rhetorical argument and highlighting parts of a sentence. The viability of syntax is also shown by the fact that syntactic questions (who, what, when, where, with whom, etc.) also play an essential role in the creation of news as the most important journalistic genre. The problem was proposed by Anna Adamikné Jászó (Adamikné 2016) in relation to school grammars, but she did not elaborate. The present study is the development of this notion and presents the initial stage of a research.

    teaching syntax, rhetorical argument, querying parts of sentences, school grammar, news

Szó- és szólásmagyarázatok



  • Balázs Géza :
    A Nyelvőr története (2.)224-247 [1.74 MB - PDF]EPA-00188-00107-0120

    The second period of the journal Magyar Nyelvőr (1895–1919), edited by Zsigmond Simonyi, was the first heyday of Nyelvőr, the most important intellectual centre of Hungarian linguistics. There was a balance between modern scientific direction and educational dissemination attitude; it played a major role in the foundation of modern dialect collection (with a phonograph); in the promotion of the institutionalization of language education; took a pioneering role in the foundation of today’s modern Hungarian spelling. With the beginning of the journal Magyar Nyelv (1905), however, a scientific and partly ideological competition has developed in the linguistic society.

    Zsigmond Simonyi, Office of National Language Education, Linguistic Booklets, academic and school spelling, Tanácsköztársaság (Republic)

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