
Vol. XCVII.               March, 2001              No. 1.


Harmatta, János: From the Volga to the Danube. The historical progress of conquering Hungarians 1

Fehértói, Katalin: Doboka. A debated issue with respect to "Gesta Hungarorum" 15

Hoffmann, István: On the prospects of Uralic onomastics 29

Bokor, József: The use of Hungarian in the Mura area (Slovenia) at the turn of millennium 34

Kontra, Miklós: Three approaches to the description of an ongoing syntactic merger in Hungarian 53

Máté, Jakab: A synthesis of the history of Hungarian linguistics in the making? 64

ˇ Minor Contributions. Dér, Csilla: I interpret, therefore I identify? On the grammatical relation within appositive constructions 77

ˇ Etymologies. Juhász, Dezső: Two points on the role of linear analogy in word formation. 83 - Kicsi, Sándor András: On popular names for Fistulina hepatica. 85 - Péter, László: The nickname Etal 85

ˇ Spoken Hungarian. Sándor, Anna: Linguistic attitudes in a minority situation 87

ˇ Reviews. Pátrovics, Péter: Bańczerowski Janus, A nyelv és a nyelvi kommunikáció alapkérdései [Language and linguistic communication: the basic issues]. 95 - Lengyel, Zsolt: Gósy Mária, Pszicholingvisztika [Psycholinguistics]. 97 - Pesti, János: Bokor József - Guttmann Miklós, A muravidéki magyarság anyanyelvéért [For the mother tongue of Hungarians in the Mura area]. 99 - Posgay, Ildikó: Bartha Csilla, A kétnyelvűség alapkérdései [Fundamental issues in bilingualism]. 103 - Hattyár, Helga: Lampl Zsuzsanna, A saját útját járó gyermek [The child going its own way] 105

ˇ Miscellanea. Kontra, Miklós: A conference on new ways of analysing variability (NWAV-29) 112

ˇ Society News. Kiss, Jenő: The 96th General Assembly of the Society of Hungarian Linguistics. 113 - Kiss, Jenő: Elemér Bakó: An obituary. 118 - Hajdú, Mihály: István Fodor is 119. - Hajdú, Mihály: Jenő Janitsek is 121. - Communiqué of the Society of Hungarian Linguistics 122

ˇ Data from the History of Hungarian. O. Behányi, Rita: A hitherto unknown 16th century copy of Arnold von Harff's Hungarian-German glossary 123

          ˇ Letters to the Editor. Szabó, József writes 126


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