Contributions à l'histoire des corvinas
Parmi les corvinas authentiques nous restés (216 volumes), c'est Georgius Trapezuntius, (vers 1395 – 1471) d'origine crétoise, qui se présente "le plus souvent" comme auteur et collaborateur: nous le rencontrons dans 8 volumes. Ses ouvrages comptaient pour miliaires dans les "studia humanitatis" au 15e siècle, et figuraient également dans l'enseignement universitaire du 16e. Dans son volume, Rhetoricorum libri V. – le premier manuel de rhétorique humaniste – il fait le synthèse de la tradition rhétorique grecque et romaine, basé sur l'activité de Cicéron, Hermogenes et Aristotle. Son manuel de la logique d'esprit humaniste, (Isagoge dialectica) fondé sur les doctrines d'Aristotle connaît 55 éditions jusqu'en 1567.
Au 15e siècle c'est lui qui a traduit la Praeparatio evangelica d'Eusebius. La traduction faite par Trapezuntius à partir le texte grecque de Magna compositio donne un texte meilleur aux lecteurs, que la traduction médiévale, faite à partir le texte arabe. Ses ouvrages Protectio Aristotelis Problematum et Comparatio philosophorum Aristotelis et Platonis s'intègrent dans la discussion platonico-aristotélienne de l'époque.
Son intére^t vers la Hongrie peut e^tre détecté à la deuxième moitié des années 1460, c'est-à-dire, vers la fin de sa vie. Son intention d'approche peut e^tre prouvée par les dédications adressées à des personnages de Hongrie. Les commentaires de Magna compositio de Ptolemaios sont dédiés à Mátyás Hunyadi, tandisque les traductions Adversus Eunomium et De Spiritu Sancto de Basilius Magnus à l'archéve^que de Esztergom, János Vitéz, et à l'éve^que de Pécs, Janus Pannonius.
L'étude présente fait connaître les liens qui rattachent l'humaniste de vie mouvementée, à la Hongrie par les codex et corvinas qui contiennent ses ouvrages. Malgré que la qualité de ses traductions avait résulté beaucoup de critiques contemporaines, l'importance de Trapezuntius est prouvée par le fait que les ouvrages grecques des auteurs chrétiens primitifs (Saint Athanase, Saint Cyril, Eusebius, Basilius Magnus, Johannes Chrysostomus, Johannes Scholasticus) ne sont lisibles dans les corvinas nous restés qu'en version latine de Trapezuntius, d'Ambrogio Traversari et d'Eustachius.
Fragments of Codices used for Bookbinding in Sopron in Social and Cultural Context
"In geschribn Pergament einbunden"
The aim of this study is to trace the origin of those codex folios that were re-used as bookbinding material, as well as to establish the main factors and agents in the process of dismantling and re-using the original codices. The investigation is based on the 406 manuscript fragments identified and removed from book-bindings of public collections in Sopron (Ödenburg) as part of the research project Fragmenta et codices in bibliothecis Hungariae headed by Edit Madas.
Sopron was a medium-sized wine-growing and merchant town on the western border of Hungary with an estimated population of 3-4000 in the late Middle Ages and the Early Modern period. Today it houses the largest and best-preserved town archives in Hungary. The collection of documents related to municipal administration yielded more than 300 parchment sheets of Latin liturgical, theological, philosophical and medical manuscripts, which were used as covers for items of practical literacy. Furthermore, another over 40 fragments of Hebrew manuscripts were used in the archives for the same purpose.** Based on the dates of the documents inside the bindings and with the help of other archival material related to bookbinders (mainly accounts, receipts, and calendars offered to the town council), the author defined the period in which the re-using took place and uncovered the spread of the practice. In the fifteenth century, only a few sporadic examples can be found, when mainly town protocols and tax-lists were bound into codex leaves. The breakthrough of this bookbinding method happened in the late 1520s, when, after the expulsion of the town's Jewish population in 1526, a large amount of parchment folios became available for secondary use. When this source dried out, mainly discarded liturgical manuscripts were taken over by the bookbinders. The first representatives of this craft settled in Sopron in the 1570s, several of them being Lutheran refugees from Lower Austria. Less than a century later, as the Appendix compiled by archivists A. Szakács and P. Dominkovits demonstrates, often two or more masters have competed for public and private commissions in the town.
It is not unlikely that the cheap and light raw material of re-usable parchment was transported across borders or for even longer distances. However, in case of local bookbinders and local commissions, when several sheets of the same manuscript were used to bind local documents, it is highly probable that the manuscripts dismantled for this 'inferior' purpose had been used in the town or its immediate surroundings. Thus the bookbinders – paradoxically by destroying the books – preserved traces of local liturgy and literacy, which otherwise would not have come down to us.
A smaller number of codex fragments (altogether 76 items) were used as binding material for volumes kept in the library of the Lutheran congregation and the Lutheran secondary school in Sopron, which were part of the same collection until 1950. This Lutheran library, formally established in the mid-seventeenth century, incorporated fragments of church libraries from before the Reformation and was continuously augmented by donations and bequests in later centuries as well. Therefore the bindings of its volumes, including those made of re-used codex leaves, are extremely diverse in origin. The identity of some bookbinders and connections between the codices used as book-binding material for the library and the archives could only be established in a few exceptional cases.
Imre Kis and János Pósaházi's Polemics on the Antiquity of the Calvinist Religion. I–II.
At the end of the 1660s polemics quickened again in Upper Hungary after 20–25 calmer years. Namely, the weakening of the Protestant Transylvania gave a chance to the restrengthening Catholic church to raise the number of its believers in this Protestant-dominated part of the country. The concrete reason of the reviving polemics was the Jesuit Order settling in Košice. The order opened a new academy here as well. The printed polemics starting at this time took place in publications with small number of copies that is, in documents perishing quickly.
The bibliographical literature has known for long about the polemics going on from 1665 till the summer of 1667 between Imre Kis, a Jesuit from Košice, who was the confessor of the former Transylvanian prince's catholicized widow, Zsófia Báthory, and János Pósaházi, a Calvinist professor from Sárospatak, who studied at English universities. However, not all of the polemical essays of the debate have survived, therefore the exact process of the polemics and the relations of the subsisted writings could not be described precisely.
This study faithfully reconstructs the process and time sequence of the debate of six replies-answers – that is, 12 publications – based on the following: the analysis of a print fragment kept in Berlin and that of another one completing this in Budapest; the Jesuit bibliographical tradition of the 17th century, especially Nathanael Sotvellus' work and the data exposed in the Hungarian literature; and the cross-references of the subsisted works. Thus, the study gives way to further analysations in the history of church, religion, and literature. The study was prepared during the works of the national retrospective bibliography Old Hungarian Printings (Régi Magyarországi Nyomtatványok), and it is a pre-study for the fourth volume of this bibliography (1656–1670).
Ouvrages d'auteurs de Hongrie, imprimés à l'étranger au 18e siècle
L'étude présente est le résumé statistique, suivant la bibliographie récemment parue, de l'ensemble des ouvrages des auteurs de Hongrie (hungarus), imprimés entre 1712–1800, à l'étranger, en volume indépendant.
La répartition en temps des quelques 4000 mille pièces montre une montée en chiffre proportionelle jusqu'en 1750, puis une récession temporaire est suivie d'une nouvelle augmentation, tandisque la dernière décennie porte de nouveau la diminuation.
La répartition des langues témoigne du rôle dirigeant du latin jusqu'aux deux dernières décennies. L'allemand s'avance peu à peu, à partir de 1781 il pousse le latin à l'arrière-plan de plus en plus. Aux dernières décennies la participation des autres langues (française, serbe, italienne, anglaise, polonaise etc.) est de 20%.
La majeure partie des imprimés est parue à Vienne (près de 1500). Dans la première moitié du siècle, les auteurs hungarus avaient fait imprimer leurs écrits surtout dans les ateliers typographiques des villes d'université allemandes (Wittenberg, Halle, Jena etc.), dans la deuxième moitié du siècle, par la refoulée de la pérégrination, la répartition devient plus uniforme. Les ouvrages des auteurs de Hongrie sont imprimés presque dans tous les pays de l'Europe.
Dans la première partie du siècle la majeure partie est occupée par les ouvrages liés à la vie religieuse, puis la proportion des sciences lai"ques (histoire, jurisprudence, pédagogie etc.), des sciences naturelles et de la littérature augmente de plus en plus.