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Mikes InternationalIX. évfolyam, 2. szám / Volume IX., Issue 2., 2009. április – június / April – June 2009


  • Sulyok Vince :
    Versek13 [2.03 MB - PDF]EPA-00007-00035-0050

Philosophia perennis

  • Böhm Károly :
    Az asszony lélektanáról17 [2.03 MB - PDF]EPA-00007-00035-0060

    On the psychology of women

    This classical treatise of Böhm on the psychology of women was published in the periodical Magyar Philosophiai Szemle (Hungarian Phylosophy Review) in 1883. This treatise forms the basis of Éva Kissné Novák´s paper printed immediately after this article that analysis it within the broader context of Böhm´s whole philosophy.

  • Kissné Novák Éva :
    Nemek és értékek a századforduló Magyarországán30 [2.03 MB - PDF]EPA-00007-00035-0070

    Sexes and values at the turn of the century in Hungary

    The author examines the views of the great Hungarian philosopher, Károly Böhm, on the issue of the spirituality and psychology of women. The analysis is performed within the broader context of Böhm´s whole philosophy and the whole essay begins with a detailed analysis of the social structure of the Hungarian society at the turn of the 19-20th century.

  • Máté Zsuzsanna :

    Sík Sándor — Az irodalomtudós és esztéta — Madách-tanulmányai fényében

    E tanulmány Sík Sándor — az irodalomtudós és esztéta — fő műveivel foglalkozik. A szerző véleménye szerint nem lenne szabad Sík Sándor életművét véka alatt tartani és csak bibliográfiai szinten kezelni. Ezt alátámasztandó, a szerző Sík Sándor életműve olvasásával, magyarázásával bizonyítja irodalomtudományi és esztétikai jelentőségét.


  • Aradi Éva :

    A Scythian people: the Kushans

    This article presents the latest book of the author, published by the HUN-idea Kiadó publishing House in Budapest in 2008. It takes up the topic of her previous book, namely the Hephthalites, this time she focuses her attention on the partial predecessors of them, to the Kushans.

  • Bárdi László :
    Előszó a heftaliták történetéhez47 [2.03 MB - PDF]EPA-00007-00035-0110

    Introduction to the history of Hephthalites

    The author, a well-known Orientalist himself, presents the previous book of Éva Aradi, entitled The Huns in India — History of the Hephthalites, published by the HUN-idea Kiadó publishing House in Budapest in 2005. This is the first volume of a trilogy, whose second volume already appeared in 2008, covering Kushans.

  • Kárpáti Gábor Csaba :

    New branches from ancient roots

    Gábor Csaba Kárpáti, the founder and managing director of the HUN-idea publishing house briefly presents the history, philosophy and publications of his enterprise. His main goal is to reestablish, both on a scientific level and in public education a true and traditional Hungarian historical conscience. The book publishing as core activity is a major element in achieving this ambitious goal.

  • Obrusánszky Borbála :
    Átértékelik a gepidák történelmét55 [2.03 MB - PDF]EPA-00007-00035-0130


    The international archaeological and historical results show that the history of Carpathian-basin, after the death of Attila, Hunnish king has to be reevaluated. The Gepids had not ruled over present-day Eastern-Hungary and Transsylvania; their kingdom existed mostly in the southern part of the Carpathian-basin, present-day Voyvodina, where Bayan, king of Avars defeated them. We must investigate, who lived on that territory. According to the sources, Hun and Sarmatian tribes survived there, and occupied independent territories of the Carpathian-basin.

    The Gepids had no independent material and intellectual culture; they were mostly influenced by Scythians and Huns. That is reflected by refined precious metals dating from the 5th and 6th centuries.

Geostratégiai és világgazdasági kitekintő — Geostrategy and world economic outlook


  • Writers in emigration — Hungarian literature in the west

    This volume contains a selection of Géza Arday´s essays on Hungarian literature in the West written in the past several years and mostly published in the electronic quarterly Mikes International. The book was published in traditional format by the Mikes International Foundation. One of the significance of this book is that the publication of many of the essays found in this collection was refused by journals in Hungary, showing that the freedom of press in today’s Hungary is still a faraway dream. Luckily, Holland is still a country that is bastion of freedom of expression and press.

    The book is illustrated with photos of Sárospatak, a significant Hungarian spiritual center.

  • Sulyok Vince: Vázlatosan a dán irodalomról73 [2.03 MB - PDF]EPA-00007-00035-0170

    On Danish literature — in a nutshell

    This essay concludes an anthology of contemporary Danish poetry. Vince Sulyok made a selection from the oeuvre of 16 contemporary Danish poets and translated a large number of poems into Hungarian. The volume was originally published in traditional form by the Széphalom Könyvműhely publishing house in 2002. Mikes International published it electronically in 2009.

Krónika — Chronicle

  • Van Vollenhovenné Kenessey Ilona :
    The Year 194887en [2.03 MB - PDF]EPA-00007-00035-0220

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