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Ökotáj6.sz. (1993. tél)


Tematikus cím:Energia


  • Márczi Imre :
    "Arcod verítékével" [11.01 kB - HTML]EPA-00005-00006-0010


    'By the Sweat of Your Brow...'

    In the name of the European unlimited development we are on the way to exploit our natural resources, and damage our planet. We do need a kind of spiritual energy co struggle out of our trap.


  • Villám [8.09 kB - HTML]EPA-00005-00006-0020



    Lightning symbolizes the glimmer of life. The fruitful power and authority. A powerful and quick, beneficent or fatal fire from heaven. Extracts from the book entitled 'Dictionnaire des Symboles' by jean Chevalief and Alain Gheerbrant. Translated by Judit Maruszki.

Környezet és energia

  • Foltányi Zsuzsa ,
    Szalóki András :
    Rövid távú energiapolitika-hosszú távú gondok [22.26 kB - HTML]EPA-00005-00006-0030


    Short-term Energy Policy-Long-term Troubles

    There is an urgent need in Hungary of a long-term environmentally concerned energy policy. The authors list and analyse the most important missing elements of our energy strategy.

  • Lontay Zoltán :
    Miért kell az energiáról beszélni? [27.07 kB - HTML]EPA-00005-00006-0040


    Why Do We Have to Speak about Energy?

    Essay on the determining conditions of the power economy, and the role of energy in our world.

  • Eff Lajos :
    Energiaviták és a viták energiája [52.05 kB - HTML]EPA-00005-00006-0050


    Debates about Energy-Energy of Debates

    An outline of the debates about energy with especial regard to nuclear power. The author analyses the features of the discussions, the pros and cons of atomic energy and the possibilities of alternative energy resources.

  • Dr. Barótfi István :
    A biomassza mint alternatív energiaforrás [26.11 kB - HTML]EPA-00005-00006-0060


    Biomass as One of the Aternative Energy Resources

    The global energy and environmental crisis call attention to the importance of renewable energy resources. The author outlines the ecological model, of agriculture based on biomass energy as a possible solution to the recent crisis of the Hungarian agriculture, and the global energy, climate and food supply troubles.

  • Bimbó József :
    Napenergiával a "fenntartható energiagazdaságért" [17.99 kB - HTML]EPA-00005-00006-0070


    Toward a "Sustainable Power Economy" with Solar Energy

    The global usage of fossil fuels leads to an ecological catastrophe Solar electricity provides the green alternative to producing power by not consuming fossil fuel nor creating pollutants. The article surveys the possibilities of the solar energy applications in our every day life.

  • Okrutay Miklós :
    A kelenföldi hőerőmű [7.80 kB - HTML]EPA-00005-00006-0090


    Heat Power Station at Kelenföld

    The history and semantic change of a power station in Budapest from the beginning of the century by now.

Életünk terei

  • Kerékpárutak és tárolók [6.86 kB - HTML]EPA-00005-00006-0100


    Bike Paths and Racks

    Bikes are cheap, healthy, and good for the environment; but the environment is not designed for them. Bikes on roads are threatened by cars; bikes on paths threaten pedestrians. This can be handled by building an appropriate bike path system...

    Extracts from the book entitled 'A pattern language: Towns, buildings, construction' by Christopher Alexander.

Utak és kiutak / Energia - álmok

  • Egely György :


    Technology and Environmental Protection

    The Great Unutilized Possibilities of Power Generation

    Buried in the inventors' garages and archives of offices there is the secret of our future clean natural energy resource, the vacuum power. We can not afford to leave it unused any more.

  • Hollós László :
    Beszélgetések a "tiszta" energiáról [25.67 kB - HTML]EPA-00005-00006-0120


    Talks about 'Clean' Energy

    In the January episode of 'Gaia' Ecological Film Magazine on Hungarian TV2 home and foreign experts spoke about their 'energy dreams'. Extracts from the programme.

Ökológia és ideológiák

  • Erwin Nickel :
    A paranormális jelenségek világrendükben [39.87 kB - HTML]EPA-00005-00006-0150


    Paranormal Phenomena in Our Universal Order

    We know, that soul, this inner world exists and we search into the cause of it. We know, that the external world of physicists and astronomers exists and we are in search of the bounds of it. But do we exactly know what is inside and what is outside?

    An essay by Erwin Nickel from the book entitled 'Psychologie der Kultur'. Translated by Judit Czárán.

  • Szakirodalom [93.45 kB - HTML]EPA-00005-00006-0170



    Selection from the literature on energy in the collection -- of the 'Silk Mill Library'.

A szám címlapja.