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Tematikus cím:Kert


  • Zöldy Pál :
    Ne kerteljünk [4.57 kB - HTML]EPA-00005-00002-0010


    Don't Hedge

    Thoughts about the special relationship between gardens and their gardeners, Garden is a happy captivity, prison and marriage from inside, asylum and love from outside.


  • A kert [14.35 kB - HTML]EPA-00005-00002-0020


    Extracts from a Dictionary of Symbols

    The symbolic meanings of garden and flowers in different cultures. Extracts from the book entitled 'Dictionnaire des symboles', by Jean Chevaller and Alain Gheerbrant. Translated by Andrea Keszthelyi.

Környezet és kultúra

  • Dr. Őrsi Károly :
    Történeti kertek [26.50 kB - HTML]EPA-00005-00002-0030


    Historic Gardens

    The Most Beautiful Work of the Hungarian Landscape Gardening After the long period of devastation the time of restoration has arrived. It is our duty to protect and restore the invaluable and indispensable gardens we have inherited from our ancestors, (photos by Károly Örsi)

  • Mihalovits György :
    Közkert és magánemlékmű [22.00 kB - HTML]EPA-00005-00002-0040


    Public Garden and Private Monument

    Attempt to Analyse an Ourlying Landscape Garden A seventy-year-old retired railwayman has built a garden on the outskirts of Budapest. This monument is a declaration of hope against the 'quiet hopelessness' of our life.

  • Pesti belső udvarok - városi kertek [5.88 kB - HTML]EPA-00005-00002-0050


    Courtyards in Pest-Town Gardens

    Rambling in the hidden jungle of the slums, strange plants and gardens growing underground on the ruins of Pest. (photos by Ágnes Szikszay)

  • Otto Nadel :
    Grundlagen [3.81 kB - HTML]EPA-00005-00002-0060



    Tales of the abandoned, old gardens.

  • Okrutay Miklós :
    Rejtőzködő városmajori kertek [31.20 kB - HTML]EPA-00005-00002-0070


    The Hiding Gardens of 'Városmajor'

    The history of 'Városmajor', the first public park of Buda. Walks looking for the relics of a forgotten way of life.

  • Hollós László :
    Gödöllő - kertrekonstrukcióra várva [12.36 kB - HTML]EPA-00005-00002-0080



    Waiting for Garden Reconstruction Interview with Péter Török Landscape-Gardener Centuries of a historic garden from the baroque landscape-gardening until the 'Sleeping Beauty'. The history of the garden of Grassalkovich Palace in Gödöllő.

  • Boldizsár Ildikó :
    Temető kert [9.56 kB - HTML]EPA-00005-00002-0090


    Cemetery-Garden About Two Books

    Our cemetery is a mirror of our Life. Thoughts on two books ('Silence of cemeteries' by Dezső Radó, 'Still gardens' by Judit Pocsai and László Tóth). Photos by Ernő Kunt.

Életünk terei

  • A kerti pad [6.03 kB - HTML]EPA-00005-00002-0100


    Garden Seat

    We need a cosy corner in the garden, a hidden, quiet place for contemplation and day-dreaming. Extracts from the book entitled 'A pattern language: Towns, buildings, construction' by Christopher Alexander.

Ökológia és gazdaság

  • Bodor Ferenc :
    Eper és Medve [14.50 kB - HTML]EPA-00005-00002-0110


    Strawberry and Bear

    The Domain of Jancsó Péter Description of a Székely nobleman's still existing estate.

  • Gidófalvy István :
    Gyógynövényes emlékeim 1908 -1981 [46.84 kB - HTML]EPA-00005-00002-0120


    My Herbalist Memories 1908-1981

    Fascinating stones full of love and wisdom, about Transylvanian lands, people and herbs. enthusiastic work and the strange games of history.

  • Vass Csaba :
    Kertmagyarország felé? [12.76 kB - HTML]EPA-00005-00002-0140


    Toward Garden-Hungary

    On the Book by Imre Somogyi. Book review about a timely work on ecological agriculture, first published in 1942.


  • Biogazdálkodás Magyarországon [24.50 kB - HTML]EPA-00005-00002-0150


    Eco-test: Organic Farming in Hungary

    Organic farming from the farmer's, the government official's, the shopkeeper's and the consumer's points of view.

Utak és kiutak

  • A nagykovácsi Általános Iskola [8.04 kB - HTML]EPA-00005-00002-0160


    Nagykovácsi Primary School

    Experiences of a three years experiment of environmental education.

  • Ökofalu Gyűrűfűn [9.17 kB - HTML]EPA-00005-00002-0170


    Ecovillage in 'Gyűrűfű'

    Interview with Béla Borsos A new settlement is being built or the ruins of the abandoned village of 'Gyűrűfű'.

Ökológia és ideológiák

  • Márczi Imre :
    Kiűzetés a kertből [12.42 kB - HTML]EPA-00005-00002-0180


    Expulsion from Garden of Eden

    How can we live in harmony with our world, our environment? We want to have the fastest vehicle, but don't know where we are running to. Technology, our beloved child has become our enemy. We should find our new way or else if will be too late.

  • Wendell Berry :
    A vadon élő természet megőrzése [34.40 kB - HTML]EPA-00005-00002-0190


    Preserving Wildness

    'Human nature partakes of nature participates in it, is dependent on it, and yet is different from it'

    'Harmony is one phase, the good phase of the inescapable dialogue between culture and nature.'

    Translated by Csilla Strbik. (Resurgence, No 121 (1987). pp. 5-10.)S

  • Leszek Kolakowski :
    A nem kertészkedés általános elmélete [6.35 kB - HTML]EPA-00005-00002-0200


    The General Theory of Not-gardening

    'Five convincing, scientific theories for those who hate gardening. Translated by András Csonka. (Resurgence, No, 145(1991). p. 37.

  • Szakirodalom [62.75 kB - HTML]EPA-00005-00002-0210



    Selected Bibliography of Organic Farming Selections from the Hungarian and English literature of organic farming in the collection of the 'Silk-Mill Library'.

A szám címlapja.